Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yesterday was full of genetically modified pets, extremely-cute goat-kids leaping from compost piles and lots and lots lettuce seedlings, because my Ecology of Eating class visited Galactic Organics, a local farm. The mizuna we sampled was sweet, thickly tender (well, for a leaf). I was dead on my feet without sleep, so I didn't help mix the concoction of cow-dung, nettles, egg shells and other special ingredients, but I wish I had. Guess this mystic compost is so potent just a pinch swirled clockwise counter clockwise, does wonders for plantlife. I'd love to see it in action.

To clarify: the GM pets were not on the farm (now that would be quite the contradiction...not that that's stopped anyone...). Actually, a biologist came and spoke in my Research for Creative Writer's class, talked about genetic modification (specifically of plants). It was a little frustrating because, while she tried to remain unbiased, she made sure to let us know that our bulging word-population cannot be fed sustainably (frustrating because I've heard the exact opposite from a trusted professor) and that a farm can't be productive, unless it has the added input of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. Hm...I've seen and read otherwise.

Still a great and vibrant speaker and person, though-- eg: I needed a logical explanation for blue goo leaking from a body and she gave me some ideas.

Onto the genetically modified pets. One of my classmates in RCW found this:

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G e n p e t s !

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And, to calm the masses:

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