Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yesterday was full of genetically modified pets, extremely-cute goat-kids leaping from compost piles and lots and lots lettuce seedlings, because my Ecology of Eating class visited Galactic Organics, a local farm. The mizuna we sampled was sweet, thickly tender (well, for a leaf). I was dead on my feet without sleep, so I didn't help mix the concoction of cow-dung, nettles, egg shells and other special ingredients, but I wish I had. Guess this mystic compost is so potent just a pinch swirled clockwise counter clockwise, does wonders for plantlife. I'd love to see it in action.

To clarify: the GM pets were not on the farm (now that would be quite the contradiction...not that that's stopped anyone...). Actually, a biologist came and spoke in my Research for Creative Writer's class, talked about genetic modification (specifically of plants). It was a little frustrating because, while she tried to remain unbiased, she made sure to let us know that our bulging word-population cannot be fed sustainably (frustrating because I've heard the exact opposite from a trusted professor) and that a farm can't be productive, unless it has the added input of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. Hm...I've seen and read otherwise.

Still a great and vibrant speaker and person, though-- eg: I needed a logical explanation for blue goo leaking from a body and she gave me some ideas.

Onto the genetically modified pets. One of my classmates in RCW found this:

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G e n p e t s !

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And, to calm the masses:

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When in Doubt

College overall is a wonderful experience. You met new people, new groups, new challenges and new EVERYTHING. But like all new academic things that you are passionate about or interested in. They get hard!!! A week ago, I had a very tough week. Midterms, papers and readings to do. I was very stressed. To my surprise and luck it all changed with one little action. a Hug. A simple hug and " Hey Mario, I hope you feel better" made my day ten times better!!! In college life you get very stressed, thats very normal. Always remember, that when in doubt you are not alone!!! People are here to guide, love you and care about you. Who would of thought a simple hug can change the way a person feels and thinks. So the moral is, if your upset or blue. Know that people here in Fairhaven College will take care of you!!! With a smile, a chat, a laugh or even a hug. WE are all part of the same family.... Till next time.

All the best,