Friday, January 16, 2009

Poetry in the bathroom...

Sleeping nine hours on a school night is luxurious.

And probably not the smartest course of action for studying. Yet, after a point you learn that it’s less detrimental to go to bed at a decent hour and cram in an hour before class than to nod off over those inverted 7 chords. So that’s what I did—slept from 9:30 pm ‘til 6:30 am. But that’s not normal. This, rather, is my normality:

12:00 am-1:00 am (depends on the amount of torture my profs decided to allocate): bed
6:30 am: haul body from bed, eat (all in a groggy haze). If raining, don the clown suit (rain pants, reflective strips and a slightly-shredded-brilliant-orange-reflective-vest to go over my conveniently black rain jacket) and ride bike to school.
8:00 am- 5:00 pm: class/studying/grueling hours in the practice room/pretending I have important stuff to do on the internet (like blogging!) when I really should be doing the aforementioned things…

All my classes have proven themselves worthy of the exponentially diminishing amounts of sleep I'm currently getting. Intriguing discussions about menstruation and the clitoris in my Pregnancy and Childbirth class, instruction on the mind-boggling 7th chord (mind-boggling to me, the percussionist, who’s shamefully been able to avoid those collections of notes that create—I know, this is going to be stunning—melody!) in music theory.
Anything else? Ah, yes, two interesting conversations. One was with my poetry professor. We discussed the intricacies of nursery rhymes while washing our hands in the restroom facilities. The other was during Elements of Style, about how the simple placement of a comma can create two types of panda: benign or nearly-homicidal. Only in Fairhaven, dear readers, only in Fairhaven…

Feedback feeds me, so...don't let me starve?

(and in case anyone's wondering...the inability to make indentations to my paragraphs is really quite a nuisance...anyone have a solution, O computer savvy folk?)

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